The Wheat Protein Market

During the past few years the protein transition from animal based protein to plant based protein attracted a lot of attention in the media. The COVID-19 pandemic positively boosted the plant-based protein industry thereby fueling the wheat protein demand. Many consumers switched to plant-based proteins from animal-based counterparts owing to various safety and environmental concerns. The pandemic emphasized on the importance of eating a healthy diet, increasing the demand for plant-based foods with high protein content. Many manufacturers in the plant-based food industry began to alter their strategies and invest in R&D for new product development to cater to the increase in demand.

Total Market

According to WPA internal market research the global wheat protein market size decreased from 1,455,000 mt 2021 to 1,395,000 mt in 2022 (-4%). Due to very high wheat and energy prices production was less especially in Europe.

Market shares

In 2022 and historically the milling and baking industry continues to be the largest market for wheat protein. The second largest market for wheat protein is in aquafeed. Demand in this market declined by 10% in 2022 vs 2021 due to very high prices. Demand for wheat protein in petfood declined by 4%. Although relatively small demand for wheat protein in the meat analogues market continues to grow at 10% per annum. The CMR market demand for wheat protein declined by 10%.


In the years ahead with hopefully more stable wheat and energy prices demand for wheat protein is forecast to continue to grow at a 4% CAGR. New production capacity is adding to the supply of wheat protein. Traditional market segments and new applications will provide outlets for this unique plant protein.